February 15, 2025
MAP of Europe including Ireland, UK, France and Spain

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

Wednesday 16 October, 2024

FEPS, Avenue des Arts 46
Brussels 1000

On the 16th of October 2024, together with Brussels Labour and following the debates in London, Dublin and Belfast – FEPSTASC, and FES London are proud to present two papers resulting from a years-long project Beyond the Border: The Implications of Brexit for the Island of Ireland” focused on the future of Northern Ireland (NI). 

Written respectively from two different angles, the studies offer a set of instructive insights into the political circumstances within the NI, into the views of diverse political stakeholders regarding the post-Brexit agreements, and identify the role that the EU (in particular) should play while still being perceived as a warrantor of the peace in this particular corner of Europe. 

Although the papers were completed amid the negotiations between the EU and the UK on the one hand and in the years in which the Conservative Party held the steers of the government in London on the other, the organisers believe that the conclusions that have been drawn within them are particularly timely now. Especially because there is hope for a new chapter, with Labour returning to power and with the new legislative period in the EU, it is timely to examine together what needs to be done to implement the Windsor Framework Agreement successfully and to define the strategy that could further improve the political and socio-economic situation in the region.

The organisers strongly believe that it is not a niche theme but to the contrary – one of the defining factors in an ongoing debate about the future of Europe.

Registration to attend the event is mandatory.  If you have any questions, please contact Céline Guedes, FEPS Project Officer (celine.guedes@feps-europe.eu). 

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood

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